
Tag-Based Filtering offers Staghead Designs optimal site organization and smooth shopper experience.




Shopify Plus


filtering collection pages by tags within a new design theme


tag-based filtering


Inspired by the first-hand experience of a challenge to find a wedding band made creatively and uniquely, Staghead Designs was created to provide men and women with wedding rings that are truly one of a kind. Since their inception, Staghead has helped tens of thousands of couples design and receive rings created with that creative vision and a love of authentic craftsmanship. 

Whether a specially customized ring or a design that’s ready to ship, the company takes pride in sourcing materials ethically and providing each ring with a great deal of care.


Optimized search results
Collection organization and filters
Filters tag-based
Upsell of relevant products


We can determine what filters we wish to utilize, and Fast Simon does the rest

Joel H |Marketing Manager

Filters Management

Proper management of filters is extremely important when it comes to delivering a smooth shopping experience. Optimizing this for Staghead with Fast Simon’s tag-based filters has been a game changer for effortless site organization. Not only that–Fast Simon’s Analytics provides deep insight into what filters their customers are utilizing most during their sessions, providing constant feedback on filter configuration.

Advanced Site Search Solution 

Having an effective autocomplete tool is imperative for conversion. Ensuring customers’ are given results amidst spelling errors, specified product attributes, or simply using common phrases is possible using Fast Simon’s Search and Autocomplete tools.

BigData Product Recommendations

One of the best ways to ensure your customers’ shopping behavior increases AOV is with the proper upsell and cross-sell. Fast Simon powers an attractive upsell & cross-sell widget for Staghead, featuring products most similar to their session’s site navigation. 



The revenue impact from Fast Simon’s AI Search alone has been impressive. Powering our collection pages with Fast Simon has resulted in impressive results for us.

Joel H | Marketing Manager

Working with Fast Simon for six months, Staghead has seen more than 2x greater revenue from Search/Autocomplete compared to Non-Search sessions. Their Fast Simon–powered upsell & cross-sell widget and Smart Collections has increased AOV and revenue impressively. Navigating their website as a shopper is done with total ease. Search and Collection pages provide an optimized product presentation based on shopping popularity, and merchandised using Advanced Merchandising to ensure Staghead’s curated business needs are met.

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