B2B Search & Merchandising
B2B Search & Merchandising
Just because B2B companies are targeting other businesses doesn’t mean that their B2B eCommerce search should be any less powerful then their B2C counterparts.
As the B2B product searching process is much more complex than the B2C search, we offer different B2B methodologies and strategies such as: SKU indexing, customers groups, price lists, and fast sync.
Show Customers Exactly What They Need With Customer Groups
Show Customers Exactly What They Need With Customer Groups
Segment your customer groups by prices, or products.
Customer groups can include high-volume wholesalers, logged-in users, geo-based groups, etc. Each of these groups has a unique customer experience.
When it comes to search, customer groups must be presented with the relevant and correct prices and products . That means different results for different groups, not only within the product view but also in the drop-down and search results page.
SKU Search – The Challenge
SKU Search – The Challenge
For many B2B businesses, sophisticated search by SKU is a must-have in order to manage and deliver a great customer experience.
Usually this is difficult, as SKUs have many forms, with special characters, hyphens, dashes, letters, and numbers where customers are prone to make typos.
Fast Simon can solve this, presenting a sophisticated search by SKU ready for use.
Search & Merchandising For B2B
Search & Merchandising For B2B
In B2B online stores, customers express what they want to buy through SKUs and Product Finders; While merchants define what they want to sell to each customer group.
Search & Merchandising can improve your conversion significantly as they match what merchants want to sell with what customers want to buy.