APIs to enhance site search?

Asked 10 months ago

What kind of APIs are available for enhancing the site search on my ecommerce platform?

Bernie Compton

Friday, September 22, 2023

There are a number of different APIs available for enhancing the site search on your eCommerce platform. General purpose APIs include:

  • Algolia: A cloud-based search API that provides features like autocomplete, synonyms, spell correction, and faceted search.
  • Google Custom Search: A service that allows you to create a custom search engine for your website.
  • Amazon Kendra: A cloud-based search service that can be used to index and search a variety of content sources, including eCommerce product catalogs. Its features include relevance ranking, filtering, and faceted search.

eCommerce-specific APIs include:

  • BigCommerce Product Recommendations API: Allows you to add personalized product recommendations to your site search results.
  • Shopify Product Browser API: Lets you create custom category browsing experiences for your eCommerce store.
  • Magento Product Comparison API: Lets you add product comparison functionality to your site search results.

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