Food & Beverages
Catering for two different consumer audiences; Create an appealing website look which is also optimal for conversions
Visual Merchandising to increase consumers engagement; Automatic Filters creation to ease navigation on site.
Founded in 2013 by award-winning, executive chef Pete Taylor and top food blogger Heather Scholten, Spiceology had humble Farmers Market beginnings. Fast forward a couple of years and William Sonoma took notice of this interesting little spice company. Spiceology carry over 200 premium herbs, spices, chilis, salts, blends and modernists ingredients.

We love the fact that Fast Simon automatically created filters for us. Consumers are used to seeing auto-fills in search on Google, that behavior is very comfortable, and made it very easy for consumers to find what they want very quickly.

Create an appealing website look which is also optimal for conversions
Automatic filters creation for an updated inventory

Visual Merchandising as a Key to Conversions
Spiceology appeals to both chefs, who know exactly what they want, and private consumers, who use the site as a discovery channel.
The visual merchandising module gives the products an appealing look, and encourages purhcases, as text is not only seen on the results dropdown and search results page, but also the product image, which adds character to the whole search process.
AI Visual Hyper-Tagging
Fast Simon automatically created filters so that consumers can navigate through the site, the way they are used to.
Since we switched to Fast Simon we've seen our sales increase.

One of the things we liked on Fast Simon, that on mobile, it just worked outside of the box. We didn't have to think about it.

Spiceology leverages the Visual Merchandising capabilities on search and collection pages in order to appeal to both types of audiences, and receives great value from the platform’s ability to add images, instead of just text, in the search results,