Using SQL to improve site search?

Asked 10 months ago

How can SQL be used to improve site search on my ecommerce store?

Darrell Bowman

Friday, September 22, 2023

SQL can improve your site search by:

  • Indexing your product catalog: You can create and maintain a full-text index of your product catalog to power your site search engine, making it faster and more accurate.
  • Implementing relevance scoring: By implementing relevance scoring for your search results, you can display the most relevant products at the top of the results page, regardless of their popularity.
  • Supporting synonyms and abbreviations: This way customers will still be able to find the products they're looking for even if they don't use the exact keywords that you have used in your product descriptions.
  • Handling misspellings: Customers can still find the products they're looking for even if they make a typo in their search query.

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