AmerCareRoyal Experienced Boosted Conversions Powering Search, Collections, and Product Recommendations with Fast Simon Over Three Sites
Disposables Supplier
Shopify Plus
ensuring search accuracy, creating relevant product recommendations, satisfactory B2B merchandising
B2B search and merchandising, tag-based filtering, upsell & cross-sell
An industry leader, AmerCareRoyal is proud to offer a wide variety of disposable products to industries such as janitorial, sanitation, industrial, hospitality, and medical. Since 2016, they have become a single stream resource for disposable products with several distribution centers across the United States. In 2016 they came to Fast Simon looking to power Search for cibowares.com. Today Fast Simon powers Autocomplete, SERP’s, Collections, and Product Recommendations for cibowares.com, envirotakeout.com, and glovenation.com.

Promotion of relevant products for SERP
Relevant product recommendations
B2B Merchandising

B2B Search:
For B2B businesses, searching by SKU is imperative to ensure customers see relevance in SERP. While this has the potential to be a great challenge, Fast Simon solves this with a sophisticated Search which enables AmerCareRoyal to customize the SERP with priority of SKU and product title. Different SKU forms with special characters, hyphens, dashes, letters, and numbers, combined with common typos, are all managed effectively.
B2B Merchandising:
Effectively merchandising your SERP and Collections is another essential component of an optimized shopping experience. AmerCareRoyal has achieved this for their three sites by way of Fast Simon’s effective AI Advanced Merchandising. Without any manual effort needed, Fast Simon is put to work by showing customers the most popular products. Additionally using Advanced Merchandising, they can curate a product assortment within SERP and Collections by promoting products/brands of their choosing.
Upsell & Cross-Sell:
Fast Simon’s data-driven product recommendations are always at work, learning what unique customers want. Using insight from shopper behavior, Fast Simon’s upsell increases AOV and conversion rate by matching customers with products they actually want to see.


Since coming to us in 2016 to simply power Search for CiboWares, AmerCareRoyal has trusted Fast Simon for their Autocomplete, SERP’s, Collections, and Product Recommendations for their three sites CiboWares, EnviroTakeout, and GloveNation. Revenues have boosted significantly, reflecting Fast Simon’s ability to optimize B2B shopper experience.